The Grind

A minor update, just to prevent anybody being confused that the game is not updating... This is of course NOT the case! What's been going on in the last 3 months is the following:

  • Development of several new skills (visuals and functionality) 
  • Hefty refactoring of the ability/rendering/animation delay systems. 
  • Holidays! 
  • Music, logo etc for trailer use (in progress)

The only thing I've been update is bite-sized visuals on Twitter, but even these will slow down during trailer preparation, to keep SOMETHING fresh.

So, overall I'm working towards producing a trailer so that I can make a steam page and finally change the game's title (bye bye Age of Transcendence). So, stay tuned, and thank you for your patience and interest!

Get Sigil of Kings (aka Age of Transcendence)


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Im so hyped for this game! I hope the release of the EA is coming this year.  ^_^

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks Danlar, your hype is fuel, and there's still plenty of distance to cover! :D Remember it's a one-man-with-a-full-time-job show,  so while I might push something playable sooner or later, the EA version might wait until I get more content/functionality for the overworld!